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World of Warcraft Guild, EU Magtheridon

3 posters

    Grocnuk - Shaman - Hybrib


    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2009-08-05
    Age : 37
    Location : Linkoping

    Grocnuk - Shaman - Hybrib Empty Grocnuk - Shaman - Hybrib

    Post  akaRolle Wed Aug 05, 2009 3:52 pm

    Hello everybody!

    My name is Robert.
    I'm an very dedicated world of warcraft player with no previously raid experience. I also lack any skill at pvp or world pve. I have a bad temper and sometimes I curse when I get ganked or when I die from fall damage. I don't think I can contribute with anything but bullshit talk and random mental breakdowns.

    If I should brag about something good about me, it you be that I am very fast learner and if you tell me I'm doing something wrong. I will most likely not repeat it more than 2-3 times.

    Please I'm desperate. I need a guild.

    P.S Did i mention that I have played WoW since beta. But never on this server. D.S


    Last edited by akaRolle on Wed Aug 05, 2009 4:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 133
    Join date : 2009-03-16
    Location : Linköping, Sweden

    Grocnuk - Shaman - Hybrib Empty Re: Grocnuk - Shaman - Hybrib

    Post  Makta Wed Aug 05, 2009 3:57 pm

    The fact that you allrdy in the guild shows your mental capacity, and deserves a instant kick.

    But unfortunately I know you irl and must accept your small comings.

    Posts : 65
    Join date : 2009-03-18
    Age : 36
    Location : Stockholm, Sweden

    Grocnuk - Shaman - Hybrib Empty Re: Grocnuk - Shaman - Hybrib

    Post  p0pzi Thu Aug 06, 2009 3:43 am

    akaRolle wrote:
    If I should brag about something good about me, it you be that I am very fast learner and if you tell me I'm doing something wrong. I will most likely not repeat it more than 2-3 times.

    You are doing something wrong, the idea of the recruitment section of the forum if to recruit people outside of the guild.(duh?)

    Maybe i should make a guild application aswell, just for shits and giggles...

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    Grocnuk - Shaman - Hybrib Empty Re: Grocnuk - Shaman - Hybrib

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