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World of Warcraft Guild, EU Magtheridon

3 posters

    Naeltharion holy/retri paladin


    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2009-09-07

    Naeltharion holy/retri paladin Empty Naeltharion holy/retri paladin

    Post  naeltharion Mon Sep 07, 2009 7:16 pm


    Race:Blood elf

    Level: 80

    Spec(1): holy

    Spec(2): pve retri atm,might switch to protection when i get good gear for it,or to a pvp retri specc.

    These 2 specs are left from leveling,i am pretty pleased with holy setup atm but will do some checking on ej for more details on retri.

    Armory link:

    Played :2 years on blizz,2 on private servers.

    Mining 450 and Blacksmithing(in around 2 days i'll be maxing this one either).

    About myself
    I'm a 21 years student from Romania.Recent changes in rl(job,school and other stuff) made me leave aside hardcore raiding,and reroll on this realm.

    Previous guilds
    None on this char that are worth mentioning(mostly leveling guilds).

    Raiding Experience
    Done everything in vanilla(at 60 on private).Done everything in TBC(except sunwell -god dam felmyst fight).In wotlk i've done all bosses except anubarak in colo 25 and algalon.

    Computer and internet speed

    Internet:4mb,quite stable

    Computer: with this pc i've got yogg on 25 man,os3 drakes and fought algalon:athlon 2600,1gb ram,ati radeon x1600.Will change it in a month or 2.But in 10 men raids i have absolutely no problem regarding the game speed.

    I am currently applying for a casual raiding spot,i will be at least 2 times/week available for raids(maybe more in close future)

    Posts : 133
    Join date : 2009-03-16
    Location : Linköping, Sweden

    Naeltharion holy/retri paladin Empty Re: Naeltharion holy/retri paladin

    Post  Makta Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:48 pm

    naeltharion wrote:
    Played :2 years on blizz,2 on private servers.
    What? Why would you wanna do that?

    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2009-09-07

    Naeltharion holy/retri paladin Empty Re: Naeltharion holy/retri paladin

    Post  naeltharion Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:03 pm

    because i live in romania and had no money for blizz Smile).but its really great to play on privates,you log out as 70,and log in as lvl 40.

    Posts : 65
    Join date : 2009-03-18
    Age : 36
    Location : Stockholm, Sweden

    Naeltharion holy/retri paladin Empty Re: Naeltharion holy/retri paladin

    Post  p0pzi Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:02 am

    Your gear is very bad however gearing up is not much of an issue anymore(to a certain extent anyway) if you just put your mind to it and do some heroics.

    I'm shocked at the speed Makta answered this post, never seen him answer an application faster than like 3-4 days after it's made Very Happy.

    Seeing as Fized has left us(or hasn't he?) it could be nice to have a holy paladin if you can get up your gear to be acceptable in not too long.

    One last thing. I've also played quite a bit on cracked servers with some friends when i had stoped playing retail and was thinking about starting again^^. Private can be fun!


    Posts : 133
    Join date : 2009-03-16
    Location : Linköping, Sweden

    Naeltharion holy/retri paladin Empty Re: Naeltharion holy/retri paladin

    Post  Makta Tue Sep 08, 2009 4:59 pm

    p0pzi wrote:Your gear is very bad however gearing up is not much of an issue anymore(to a certain extent anyway) if you just put your mind to it and do some heroics.

    I'm shocked at the speed Makta answered this post, never seen him answer an application faster than like 3-4 days after it's made Very Happy.

    Seeing as Fized has left us(or hasn't he?) it could be nice to have a holy paladin if you can get up your gear to be acceptable in not too long.

    One last thing. I've also played quite a bit on cracked servers with some friends when i had stoped playing retail and was thinking about starting again^^. Private can be fun!


    I dunno if he left, I'll take a look at this one aswell might take a few days to consider since I'm a litle busy atm Smile

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