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World of Warcraft Guild, EU Magtheridon

    Yticco - Holy / Prot Paladin.


    Yticco - Holy / Prot Paladin. Empty Yticco - Holy / Prot Paladin.

    Post  Yticco. Sat Oct 31, 2009 3:42 pm

    Hey, I'm a nice guy who's looking for a guild that's got a good mixture of raiding and friendly enviroment, and I think I can help you with both.

    My ultimate goal of World of Warcraft is to play among friends and as much fun as possible while raiding, and that's way easier when you're only raiding 10-man raids.

    I'm mainly applying as holy, since you're looking for a holy paladin, But my tanking gear is way better though.

    I'm able to be on vent, and to talk on vent.

    Cheers, Yticco.

    Posts : 133
    Join date : 2009-03-16
    Location : Linköping, Sweden

    Yticco - Holy / Prot Paladin. Empty Re: Yticco - Holy / Prot Paladin.

    Post  Makta Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:34 pm

    Yticco. wrote:Hey, I'm a nice guy who's looking for a guild that's got a good mixture of raiding and friendly enviroment, and I think I can help you with both.

    My ultimate goal of World of Warcraft is to play among friends and as much fun as possible while raiding, and that's way easier when you're only raiding 10-man raids.

    I'm mainly applying as holy, since you're looking for a holy paladin, But my tanking gear is way better though.

    I'm able to be on vent, and to talk on vent.

    Cheers, Yticco.

    We are kind a full on raidspots atm, but you are more than welcome to try out!

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 3:28 pm