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World of Warcraft Guild, EU Magtheridon

5 posters

    [Accepted] Yamille - Rogue, Combat/Mutilate duel spec (both pve)


    Posts : 4
    Join date : 2009-08-02

    [Accepted] Yamille - Rogue, Combat/Mutilate duel spec (both pve) Empty [Accepted] Yamille - Rogue, Combat/Mutilate duel spec (both pve)

    Post  Yamille Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:31 pm

    Character information

    Name: Yamille

    Race: Undead

    Level: 80 of course *wink*

    : Mutilate pve, 51/13/7. 3412AP, 409haste, 400hit, 32.34% crit, 151 expertise rating fully unbuffed.

    Spec(2): Combat pve, 15/51/5. 3532AP, 408haste, 342hit, 30.12% crit, 180 expertise rating fully unbuffed.

    Armory link: Can't seem to get this feature to doesn't appear when I paste it, but there is only one rogue called Yamille on the armory so I'm not too hard to find Smile

    : 109 days total, 16 days 17 hours lvl 80.

    With regards to my duel pve spec I tend to use the mutilate spec for tank and spank orientated fights whereby I am not required to change targets often, as this greatly hinders the efficiency of the mutilate rotation. For this reason I use the combat spec for trash 100% and also for bosses that require a lot of target changing. Combat would be my main spec and I would use it a lot more regularly however I shall admit that my main hand weapon lets the spec down, but I am working on resolving this doing Naxx 25 each reset in the hopes of getting Calamities Grasp.


    I used to have engineering, but lets face it, all its good for is fun so i changed that for Jewel Crafting which is at a skill of 433/450 which was enough for me to get my epic JC gems for my raid set. I also have mining at 450/450 however I'm very much considering dropping this for enchanting a few months after the next patch, mainly for money but also for extra raid perks for myself.

    Bit about myself

    My real name is James and I'm 18 years old and currently live in England. Technically I am unemployed but I'm current in full acting for this year before I go to drama school next year. This wont get in the way of any raiding times as the acting is extremely flexible around my personal . Other than that I don't tend to do much as opposed to spend time with my girlfriend or just read books amongst other junk.

    Previous guilds

    I used to be in a guild called 'Envenomed' (I think...) but i left them due to the fact that I wasn't rewarded for anything. I would turn up to every raid on time with all the things i needed and i would do top of the dps each time without fail on bosses, yet the loot would always get passed to the other rogues purely on the basis that they had been in the guild a few weeks longer than me and were friends with the rest of the guild and loot master. I didn't really like this as it was very elitist towards those that weren't 'IN' with the guild officers such as myself so i ended up leaving.

    The same goes for the current guild I'm in now 'The Enclaved Dragons'. They use a loot council system which I am familiar with and accept. However if you don't mind me saying they take the piss with it. They give all the loot to the other rogues because their gear isn't as 'good' as mine yet the rogues still only do 3k dps in heroic instances despite them having the highest tier sets. So they ended up rewarding the people that didn't really deserve it yet again. I know I might come off as a bit of a loot whore but that really isn't the case, it's just that ive been in the guild for about a month and a bit now and ive yet to see a single item sent my way, whereas one rogue who has been in the guild a week longer than me has 3 of his final tier set...lulzy.

    Sorry if the above came off as a slight rant, i appreciate i probably sound like a child half the time when i go on about it.

    Raiding Experience

    I have 100% raiding xp in WotLK apart from Yoggy in Uldar. Also my achievements are all over the place, i have half in heroic and half in normal all unfinished, but if you piece them together like a jigsaw it does become evident that i have done most of the bosses in there. Also one of my best friends is in Realitysucks (Don't worry im not a fan boy) and this helps a fat lot because i watch him raid quite a lot and he helps me out now and then so its a nice push forwards for me.

    Computer spec and internet speed

    Internet: I currently have a 10mb internet connection with Virgin Media which is very stable to the point that i have never had any problems with it. Ever.

    Computer: Quad core Q6600 2.4Ghz. 4gig DDR3 RAM, nVidia 9800gtx 1gig. 950watt power supply with 500gig hard drive space. So you don't really have to worry about me using the 'OH EM GEE I HAD BAD FPS WHICH IS WHY IM DEAD' card.

    If there is anything i missed out or anything i need to add just let me know and i will get back to you asap. Thanks for reading.


    Posts : 13
    Join date : 2009-03-25

    [Accepted] Yamille - Rogue, Combat/Mutilate duel spec (both pve) Empty Re: [Accepted] Yamille - Rogue, Combat/Mutilate duel spec (both pve)

    Post  MindCase Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:46 pm

    Did play some with this guy on nax25 and he was top3dps all the time with me and knas Smile good guy also

    Posts : 65
    Join date : 2009-03-18
    Age : 36
    Location : Stockholm, Sweden

    [Accepted] Yamille - Rogue, Combat/Mutilate duel spec (both pve) Empty Re: [Accepted] Yamille - Rogue, Combat/Mutilate duel spec (both pve)

    Post  p0pzi Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:35 pm

    A great guild application with lots of information.

    As Mindcase mentioned i did a naxx25 with Yamille and he was
    top3 on the dps more or less all the time and he was a really nice guy who were loads of fun ^^.

    I can definetly vouch for him as he is a great player with a great attitude.

    Knasdockan out!

    Posts : 60
    Join date : 2009-03-18
    Age : 41
    Location : London, England

    [Accepted] Yamille - Rogue, Combat/Mutilate duel spec (both pve) Empty Re: [Accepted] Yamille - Rogue, Combat/Mutilate duel spec (both pve)

    Post  Invincabull Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:27 am

    Knas and Mindcase like him and he actually filled out a proper application. I say decline him for being a smartass. What a bastard.

    Quite a few English in guild in case you didn't know Yamille and we like to give rogues loot because it keeps dropping...again, rogues...what bastards.

    Posts : 4
    Join date : 2009-08-02

    [Accepted] Yamille - Rogue, Combat/Mutilate duel spec (both pve) Empty Re: [Accepted] Yamille - Rogue, Combat/Mutilate duel spec (both pve)

    Post  Yamille Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:04 am

    Haha. Yeah i was invited to join your vent that time i was doing naxx 25 purely on the basis that it was mind numbing and we needed something to pass the time.

    Anyone fancy 15 minute tactics between each boss in naxx? I DO I DO!

    So i know from vent that there's a lot of English people in the guild and also Knasdockan told me that all you get is rogue loot...but hey, on the bright side dont the tokens vendor for 5gold each..?


    Posts : 65
    Join date : 2009-03-18
    Age : 36
    Location : Stockholm, Sweden

    [Accepted] Yamille - Rogue, Combat/Mutilate duel spec (both pve) Empty Re: [Accepted] Yamille - Rogue, Combat/Mutilate duel spec (both pve)

    Post  p0pzi Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:51 am

    Yamille wrote: dont the tokens vendor for 5gold each..

    Oh yes they do! We're making quite a profit from them!

    Posts : 133
    Join date : 2009-03-16
    Location : Linköping, Sweden

    [Accepted] Yamille - Rogue, Combat/Mutilate duel spec (both pve) Empty Re: [Accepted] Yamille - Rogue, Combat/Mutilate duel spec (both pve)

    Post  Makta Wed Aug 05, 2009 3:14 pm

    Yamille wrote:
    The same goes for the current guild I'm in now 'The Enclaved Dragons'. They use a loot council system which I am familiar with and accept. However if you don't mind me saying they take the piss with it. They give all the loot to the other rogues because their gear isn't as 'good' as mine yet the rogues still only do 3k dps in heroic instances despite them having the highest tier sets.
    I have had the pleasure to be in the almighty Daliara guild and I have exactly the same opinion as you. He tend to give to himself and friends instead of ppl who actually deserves it. Matter of fact he still whispers to me asking for random shit and guild merge suggestions. Now that I got that out of my system we could go back to your apply lol...

    I have no problem to accept you, I like to have a friendly atmosphere, and you seems to get a long with the other guys very well. One thing you should know though, we have two fairly new rogues and they both preform well atm so don't expect instant raid inv.
    Over and out

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    [Accepted] Yamille - Rogue, Combat/Mutilate duel spec (both pve) Empty Re: [Accepted] Yamille - Rogue, Combat/Mutilate duel spec (both pve)

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