Dom svulstiga

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World of Warcraft Guild, EU Magtheridon

6 posters

    Mysig Holy priest looking for social guild!


    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2009-08-21

    Mysig Holy priest looking for social guild! Empty Mysig Holy priest looking for social guild!

    Post  Mysig Fri Aug 21, 2009 1:30 am


    Any real life factor(s) that can hinder your playing?
    I got a girlfriend, but when I got raids I tell her that. It wont be a problem since she also plays WoW. In november I will go on vacation for 2,5 week.

    Anyone in our guild that can vouch for you?
    Yes, I know Magnhild very good, we have been studying at same school for three years, and now we are beggining first year at highschool in same class.

    Armory URL (endgame gear possible)

    Character Name

    Class, Specc & Race
    I'm playing as Holy priest, got xp as disc priest, but prefer holy.

    Connection Stability
    I got always around 70 ms and never gets any dcs.

    Describe your view on your role in raids
    I'm playing as healer, got xp from priest healing and paladin healing. I see myself as a teamplayer, that takes information about what to do, what did I do wrong etc. I can also help others with telling my xp and so on.

    Do you have any outstanding professions?
    I got enchanting, but just 435 skill, I also got herbalism for grinding money. Not outstanding, but it's perfect for me.

    Give us a general description of yourself
    Well im a happy guy, that likes hanging out with my girlfriend and friends. I got kinda high goals in school so i'm stuying a lot.

    Have you applied to any other guild?
    No i havnt.

    IRL name
    Oskar Sjöberg
    Location (& time zone)
    Sweden, Vanersborg

    On my priest I got 18 days played. 12 hours in level 80. This is not my first char, I also got a level 80 rogue, 72 warrior and a 70 warlock. Togheter I got over 100 days played.

    Previous guild(s) why did you leave them etc
    I have been a member of "We care a lot" with my Rogue, I played most on him pre - wotlk. I have been playing with my priest in the guild "Chosen few" there I was an officer. I'm now leaving that guild because they wanna go hardcore, raiding 4 days+ a week and we have also changed guildmaster that's dont know how to lead a guild.

    Raiding Experience
    PRETBC - I did make my first char 2006, my warlock, I did just level him up to 60 and then tbc came. So no raiding xp in level 60. In tbc I got xp in karazhan, Gruul, magtheridons lair. I did start raiding late in tbc. Before that I was leveling alts, farmed hcs and was pvping a lot. In wotlk I got xp in eoe10, os10, naxx10, naxx25, 7 first bosses in ulduar. But still, i'm a good listener and reading tactics before raiding.
    Show us some screenshoot in raid,ui, dmg ...

    We expect using forums, you're used to do that?
    Not a problem for me, I like to be active and have the possible to discuss things with guildes.
    We require that you have a working Ventrilo ?
    I got ventrilo mix and are often talking while raid and after,before raids.

    What activity or attendance you can manage?
    Some weeks I can be online like 40 hours, next week maybe just 15 hours per week. Hard to say, but let's say 25 hours per week. Dont got any active alts, so 100% focus on my main.

    What do you expect from us as a guild?
    From Magnhild I've heard that your guild are active, raiding 2 days/week and also are great players. That's enough for me, i'm not joining a guild for the loot. I'm out after the raiding and progressing further in Ulduar and Toc.

    Where/how did you find out we're recruiting?
    My friend Magnhild told me that maybe I could join Dom svulstiga after I told him how bad my new raidleader was. Then I thought it should be funny to play with one of my better friends!

    Why should we recruit YOU?
    I'm mature and social and always giving 100% at raids. I can without problem skip raids to give spots for others that got higher rank or one that's need the raid more than me.

    Posts : 65
    Join date : 2009-03-18
    Age : 36
    Location : Stockholm, Sweden

    Mysig Holy priest looking for social guild! Empty Re: Mysig Holy priest looking for social guild!

    Post  p0pzi Fri Aug 21, 2009 3:04 am

    We don't really have that many priests in the guild(1 main and 1 alt as far as i know) so another priest can't really hurt. Your attitude seems good and you gear was fairly good aswell.

    Even though Magnhild can be a nuisance i suppose it's a plus that he can vouch for you. Razz

    As long as you are not one of those people(no names mentioned) who deliberately talk bad english on ventrilo so that i get a brain hemorrhage i don't have anything against you joining.

    Posts : 13
    Join date : 2009-07-08
    Location : Sweden, Vänersborg

    Mysig Holy priest looking for social guild! Empty Re: Mysig Holy priest looking for social guild!

    Post  Magnhild Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:03 pm

    I'm vouching for this guy! He's one of ma irl pals. Very Happy

    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2009-08-21

    Mysig Holy priest looking for social guild! Empty Re: Mysig Holy priest looking for social guild!

    Post  Mysig Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:04 pm

    I'm talking better english then spelling, so that will be no problem at all Smile

    Posts : 133
    Join date : 2009-03-16
    Location : Linköping, Sweden

    Mysig Holy priest looking for social guild! Empty Re: Mysig Holy priest looking for social guild!

    Post  Makta Mon Aug 24, 2009 1:00 pm

    I guess you could have an invite. We are currently kinda full on raidspots though.

    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2009-08-21

    Mysig Holy priest looking for social guild! Empty Re: Mysig Holy priest looking for social guild!

    Post  Mysig Mon Aug 24, 2009 6:08 pm

    Okey, that's fine by me!

    Posts : 13
    Join date : 2009-03-25

    Mysig Holy priest looking for social guild! Empty Re: Mysig Holy priest looking for social guild!

    Post  MindCase Sat Aug 29, 2009 12:48 pm

    Mysig wrote:I'm talking better english then spelling, so that will be no problem at all Smile

    thats good we dont need another Magnhild thats trying to talk english and fails Smile

    Posts : 13
    Join date : 2009-07-08
    Location : Sweden, Vänersborg

    Mysig Holy priest looking for social guild! Empty Re: Mysig Holy priest looking for social guild!

    Post  Magnhild Sat Aug 29, 2009 12:53 pm

    MindCase wrote:
    Mysig wrote:I'm talking better english then spelling, so that will be no problem at all Smile

    thats good we dont need another Magnhild thats trying to talk english and fails Smile

    Muss off homocase

    Posts : 4
    Join date : 2009-08-02

    Mysig Holy priest looking for social guild! Empty Re: Mysig Holy priest looking for social guild!

    Post  Yamille Mon Sep 21, 2009 10:19 am

    English please.

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